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Home   /   The Big Debate: Are Local councils worthwhile?

With three councils filing for bankruptcy in the UK this year. One being Birmingham, the largest in Europe. Questions are arising whether council spending and control benefits the public as a whole?

I don’t give a lot of thought to it, I mean we just had an election this year that moved us to majority Labour […] hopefully it improves because it has been pretty rubbish for quite a while […] The lack of public toilets is stressful, so hopefully they invest in that now

John, 32

I haven’t lived here for long, roughly two years, and in that time there’s been bin strikes as an issue. It got so bad you were almost walking in garbage […] it feels like the council don’t have much care for the public letting strikes like that happen. Rents also high so it’s a shame whatever money the council gets from it doesn’t go to the people who work to keep public life running smoothly.

Nelly, 20

Bus journeys were the bane of my degree. I think the council have a say in them since it’s on their roads? More times than not I was late to my lessons because of slow and inconsistent buses […] the roads didn’t help them with the potholes, one-way roads and construction that took over streets slowing traffic down and making the journey feel uncomfortable. It’s like are they deliberately trying to make life difficult for everyone?

Veronica, 23

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