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Home   /   Armistice Day: How Football Remembers

On the 11th hour, of the 11th day, on the 11th month of the year, people across the globe take a moment to remember those who lost their lives during conflict.

Football clubs, nations, and players all show their respect by joining the nation in falling silent for two minutes before their closest game to the 11th of November. One example is at the Amex, where Brighton and Newcastle players and fans observed a moments silence whilst the Last Post was played by members of the Surrey and Sussex Drum and Bugle Corps. In addition to this, the club gave one stand plastic bags to lift up, unveiling a poppy.

The England national team took a moment before training to remember those who fought for their country.

Football clubs pay their respects on the 11th hour also, here with Tottenham, with ‘Spurs Remembers.”

Manchester United, one of the biggest football clubs in the world, shared a piece on how they marked Armistice Day, following a moments silence in their last home match, also remembering the players associated with Manchester United that lost their lives during conflict.

And a simple, but powerful tweet at the 11th hour.

Many clubs across English football also add a poppy to their badge to mark respect on those lost.


Aston Villa announced Steven Gerrard as their new head coach on the 11th, but even with that massive news for the club, still paid their respects

Leeds United shared this tweet, a video from their last game and the Last Post being played before kickoff, with both sets of fans silent throughout.

Clubs across the country also play with a poppy in their kits and with many of these being auctioned off to raise money for charities for war veterans. As shown here with Chelsea goalkeeper Edouard Mendy with a poppy on his kit.

Players also take their time to find out more about Armistice Day and the war. Everton’s Tom Davies took time out to find out about some experiences from the forces.

Similarly, Tottenham’s Pierre-Emile Højbjerg took some time out to speak to British Army Veteran Warrant Officer Class II Brian Connor in person about the importance of celebrating remembrance day.

Chelsea Womens academy players met with UKAF Flight Sergeant Michelle Perkins to learn why rememberance day is so important and why its important for everyone to remember the fallen.

England captain Harry Kane posted this tweet, with him and his fellow England team mates, Gareth Southgate and a few of his coaching staff.

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